
Tuberculosis (TB) is a major health issue worldwide. It is an infectious disease which is treatable with timely diagnosis or proper treatment.
Pakistan ranks 5th amongst the most highly TB burdened countries in the world. Pakistan also has the distinction of being 4th in the world for drug resistant TB (MDR-TB). Therefore, it is necessary to focus on identifying all TB cases with the conventional and the most novel diagnostic methods along with adequate treatment.
MALC has been supporting the national and provincial TB control program of Pakistan both in the public and private sector. Annually 12,000-14,000 new TB cases have been registered across the country for proper treatment.
- TB OPDs.
- Sputum Microscopy (to detect infectious cases).
- GeneXpert ( most novel tool to detect TB including. drug. resistant TB with high precision and minimal time).
- Follow up ( to ensure drug complaints).
- Contact examination (to detect hidden cases).
- TB Awareness in communities.