Corporate Partners
Corporate Partners
Pakistan Petroleum Limited: Continued its sponsorship for our Kandhkot Centre in Sindh.

United Bank Limited: Renewed the adoption of the Leprosy, Eye & TB treatment centre in Pattan – Kohistan, KPK.

English Biscuit Manufacturers Pvt. Limited: re-adopted the MALC-EBM Health Centre for providing Free of Charge services for Mother and Child Health care, Leprosy, TB, and Blindness Control.

New Zealand High Commission: supported MALC in the reconstruction of houses for flood victims in Sindh.

Lucky Core Foundation: supports the provision of Mother & Child Health Care services to deserving people of Khewra and Sheikhupura (Punjab) through Hamqadam Community Clinics.

HBL Foundation: Supporting Surgical Eye Camps in Gilgit Baltistan and rural areas of Balochistan, also sponsoring Mother and Child Healthcare (MCHC) Medical camps and providing nutritional support to malnourished children under 5 years of age in Tharparkar.

Soorty Foundation: Support of Cataract surgeries at our main Hospital and re-construction of houses for flood victims in rural Sindh.

i-Care Foundation: Help in international online Donations.

Individual Donors: We would like to thank our individual donors for their continued support and for helping us in helping others.