Opening Ceremony of Leprosy Refresher Training
The National Training Institute for Leprosy at MALC, Karachi, organized an opening ceremony for the Leprosy Refresher Training on 27th June, 2020. The selected Leprosy Technicians in Karachi will be able refresh their knowledge and skills by gaining hands on experience through a 15 day training at MALC Hospital OPD & Training Department, while at the same time keep their Leprosy skills up to date. Dr. Ali Murtaza, Directory Training – MALC gave an orientation to the trainees and motivated them to make the best use of their training experience. Mr. Mervyn Lobo, CEO – MALC, in his speech stressed on the importance of developing oneself by watching, listening and learning and not forgetting MALC’s identity i.e. Leprosy, even though MALC later added additional disciplines such as Blindness, Tuberculosis, Community Based Inclusive Development of People with Disabilities and Mother & Child Healthcare, keeping in view the dire needs of the marginalized population.